Well, I've been a little negligent with my blog over the past month or so, but only because I've been working to create exciting works for the St.Clair Artwalk which is quickly approaching. I hope to see you all there.
The other reason I've been so busy is that I've been playing with the idea of making watches for quite some time and now I have finally finished my first watch. And the proud owner of the first watch created and fabricated by WilkDesigns? My wife of course! An anniversary gift for her. She always ends up being the guinea pig for new designs and ideas, though I don't think she really minds. Anyways, no picture of it as of yet, but that should be posted sometime this weekend.
Lastly, I've started my nighttime gemmology course with the Canadian Gemmological Association. The first couple classes have been okay, I'm the only guy there, which is fine by me. Putting that aside, the course looks like it should be much better than doing correspondence, though it means I can't be a slacker which in the end, will be of benefit. Anyways, that's what is going on currently with Wilk Jewellery Designs, though soon I'll have to change it to Wilk Jewellery and Watch Designs, haha well, thanks for reading.